James Hipkiss - Unarmed combat, Defence

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//-->YOURANSWERTOINVASION-JU-J#TSUIUNARMED COMBjJAMES BIPKISS(Briruh Ju-Jitsu ChampU>n)INCLUDING A SPECIAL CONCJSE COURSE FOR INSTRUCTORSUNARMED COMBATBYJAMES HIPKISS(British Ju-Jitsu Champion)Fir$t ImpressionSeccmdImpress1onThirdImprtssiouFebruary. TrU1February, 1941jun#, 1941JAMESHIPKISSPUBLISBBD BY P. W. BRIDGES LTD37, NORPOl.K STRl!.ET, LONDON W.C.ICONTENTSPAGSFOREWORDINTRODUCTORYCHAPTER I-A move for a desperate situation135IICHAPTERII-Taking prisoner..._CHAPTER III-The vulnerable wristCHAPTER IV-The principle of the straightarmlockCHAPTER V-Theartof '' breakingyourfall"whenthrown.. _162026CHAPTERVI-Anovelwaytodisarmanddisablehim 32CHAPTERVII-Turning the tables when youarcknockeddown-··37CHAPTER VIII-When you are caughtunawares ; amove the sentry must remember;afineattackingthrow-·~CHAPTER IX-Neck LocksCHAPTER X-The trussed arm lock principle ; anattacking lock;a quick defence against a " backstrangle " ;defenceagainsta stick attackINSTRUCTORS'COURSE4851S9UNARMED COMBATAt the time of writing lhis preface the threat of invasion of'Britainhas, in the opinionofcompetentmilitaryauthorities,by no means passed away. Should invasion come, the partwhich Unarmed Combat must play in the overthrow of theinvader is rapidlybeingrealised by the public.Members of His Majesty's Forces arc being officiallyinstructed inthisnew phase of warfare. The HomeGuardmay find it one of thegreatestfactors in their part of thestruggle,anditisbyno means unlikely th.it theaveragecivilian-manor woman-whohaslearnt Unarmed Combatwouldfinditapotent means in repelling the intruder fromtheir own homestead.Withaknowledge of Unarmed Combat, even the unpreparedcitizens ofHollandand Belgium could have frustrated thedesigns of Hitler's vital link inhisplans-the Parachutists.Evenifinvasion never comes, the importance of UnarmedCombatisnever likely again to die outofthe public's mind.Tobeable todefendone's wife,familyandhome in adomesticsense:,e.g.(againstburglars)asdistinct from wartime con-ditions,issomethingin which John Citizenshouldtake aninterest andpride.To a world accustomed totalkfor months, nayyearspast,of"Arming"and "Re-arming," the use of thephrase" Unarmed " in relationtowar mayseem somewhatoutofplace.Nevertheless. even a-.mancringof theknowlcd eUNARMED COMBATUNARMED COMBAT3contained inthiabook,ifsuch knowledge is acquired by a5uffident percentage of the civilian population of Britain,might,incertain circumstances, have an important bearingon the outcome of the war.This bookiswrittenby an expert whoisone of Britain'sleadingexponents of theartof Ju-Jitsu. Nevertheless,Unarmed Combat is not solely our old friend Ju-Jitsu (or,asitissometimes called, " Judo").To get a true perspective, it shouldberealised that UnarmedCombat, or Antagonistics,isas far inadvance of Ju-Jitsuasthe Tommy Gun is an improvement ontheRifle. Aboveall,itisa fascinating study. As ithasbeen tersely described byone authority,it isa healthful pastime for itsuponentandamoat unhealthy one for theopponmt.INTRODUCTORYThere arc now available manybooksdealing with thenewmethods of warfare which have been developed during theSecond Great War. But until the publication of this bookletnone has attempted to give an adequate exposition of theartof Unarmed Combat-theartof fighting, andwinning,without weapons.Now, no onewillsuggest that an unarmed manhasa greatdeal of chance against an enemy armed with a tommy gunor abalketof hand-grenades.Insuch circumstances thelikelihoodt•fthe survival of the unarmed one would depend,perhaps, more on his fleetness of footthanupon the informa-tion to begleanedfrom these pages. Butanenemy is notnecessarilyalwaysheavily ;;.rmed : he may, for the moment,not be within reach of his weapons : ammunition sometimesruns out. Andinsuch case, victory in the little spot of bothe:that arises when enemies meet is very certainly going nottothe bigger man, not to the stronger man, not even tothemost agile man, but to the man whoknowsmost about theprinciples of Unarmed Combat.The principles at the root of theartof Unarmed Combatare largely those of ju-jicsu (judo), and the various other stylesof wrestling and self-defence devices. That their importanceis now fully recognised by the Governmentisshown by thefact that considerable numbers of members of the fightingservices are now being especially trained in "UnarmedCombat " so that they,intum,mayinstructthe rest of us.For,whileno one imagines for a moment that we are goingto tackle the enemy with nothing but our bare handsifwecangetanything else into them,yetthe authoritie$donowrealise that knowledge of the principles of Unarmt.."d CombJt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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